Welcome to Escalario

November 11, 2008


Skateboarding is one of a new generation sport that developed well in the US and also very popular around there. On this sport we use a board that attached with 4 wheels below it, and we stand above the board to begin playing some trick. This sport can be categorized as a flexible sport, because we can play this sport on many places, just like on sidewalk, school court, house yard or even on skateboard arena its self. So basically it’s very different with other sport that usually need a big court to be played, but there are more consequence that a player on this sport should take. On this sport we can easily being injured while training, so make sure to put safeguard equipment on your elbow and head before playing it.

Ollie Skateboarding Technique
Skateboarding its self has many tricks that usually its have very high risk to play just like slide, flip, spin etc. But before we play that trick, we should train our self with some basic trick. For example Ollie, Ollie is one of basic trick on this sport. This trick played with the back foot pressing the board’s tail and at the same we do a jump. While we at the air make sure the front foot pushing the board to take lead for landing, or else we can end up on falling than landing.

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