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November 10, 2008

Computer Virus Infiltration

November 9, 2008
8:18 PM

After enjoying an era of peace around a year, my personal computer life is at the stake now. I begin to realize this condition on this morning, I don’t know where it exact source come from but this is really terrible one. But from my complicated way of thinking, there are two main suspects in this case. First of all my personal computer its self, this is because I’m not very thinking about this thing future. I am rarely updated its anti virus and there some missing part on its OS (Operating System) too that never being fixed. And the second suspect is my brother-in-law’s flash disk, he used his flash disk on my personal computer! (I have a lot of bad experienced with this one.). This is the second time my pc infected by them. But actually the main suspect is not them, right? They just a carrier, an another scapegoat to be blaming by anyone who make their computer being infected.virus infiltration
I don’t know what the problem of all people who take part in this virus program think. They just make a virus and create its anti-virus to be sell to any developer/provider anti virus, then this anti-virus provider sell their anti virus program to gain profit from their customer. But many of their customer not stupid enough and take an extreme decision by using a piracy tool to get free serial number and get free anti virus software. Later because some anti-virus provider want to take a revenge to this delinquent customer, they ask an virus programmer to make another virus and in another way they make new serial number and block the old serial number that usually used by their delinquent customer. On this time new hero called piracy tool publisher also gathered information about this new serial number, and later share their tool to gained many visitor so they can take a profit from advertisement. And all of them just keep repeating this cycle (Hmm... human are stupid aren’t they?) Whatever… but still… why are my PC also became part of this cycle? Even I don’t have any will to take a part in this one…

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