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August 20, 2008

Concerning Our Health.

Do you ever think about your illnes/sickness when you are in good condition? (Seldom) and have you ever think about your prime/good condition when you are sick? (always). This is just a simple vice-versa question, but has a inbalance answer. Sometimes we never think about our body limited condition when we are in prime condition, but actually realize after we are sick. Today my big brother-in-law has a simple medical operation, but when I look effect after it, this is just like more than minor/simple operation. Even I that had experienced many injection (blood test, antibiotic test, even lunge injection called difuse/difusion or whatever it is. .) and another unique medical treatment still scared when I'm in position of my big brother. So whatever it is, we must to take care about our body condition anytime whatever in bad, good even prime condition.
created at August 20th, 2008


Danu Patria said...

Sometimes we never think about our body limited condition when we are in prime condition
That's why we keep on getting sick, get better, and then get sick again. a normal cycle tough..
Because, what is the use of a prime phisical condition when we always worried of sickness? i think it is not bad if we push ourself to the limit, as long as it is for a good thing.

dapit said...

it's still bad cycle...
getting sick, get better and then get sick again... =,=a

Anonymous said...

better prevent it than heal it..

i still got cough... T_T
I hope I'll get well soon...

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